Yes, however we don’t sell vouchers specifically for our range of data-only plans, so you’ll need to buy credit voucher that cover the cost of the plan you’re trying to add. After you buy and redeem your selected voucher(s), you’ll be able to convert the credit into your chosen data-plan.

Here are the pairings of data-only plans and vouchers that you’ll need to keep in mind:

  • To add a 1GB data top-up - use a $10 voucher
  • To add a 50GB data-only plan - use a $40 voucher
  • To add a 90GB data-only plan - use a $100 voucher

After you buy a credit voucher from our range of retail stores that includes Coles, Woolworths, Australia Post, 7-Eleven and more, you’ll need to redeem the voucher so it can be used to add your chosen data-plan.

There are multiple ways on how to ways on how to redeem a voucher and the most convernient way is through SMS.

  1. SMS to the number 568 with your 10-digit voucher number as the message, you’ll receive a reply message asking how you want the credit to be applied.
  2. Once credit is redeemed, send the sms shortcut for the data that you want to add:
  • data top-up : TOP1GB
  • data-only plans : 2GB5GB20GB50GB,100GB or 150GB