Yes! By default auto-renew is enabled and this allows your mobile or data-only plan to renew at end of you plan cycle.

You can also set an auto-recharge for additional credit through Settings in My amaysim as this allows you to stay connected without the need to manually recharge every time you're low on credit.

Auto-renew is when your plan renews at the end of your plan cycle.

It's the default setting for all amaysim accounts and a hassle-free way to recharge your plan (You can switch auto-renew off at any point through My amaysim).

As a Prepaid customer we'll renew your plan by charging the balance to your selected payment method (e.g. a credit card, debit card or PayPal account) - if you have any amaysim credit in your account, we'll use that first and charge the remaining balance to your active payment method.

Auto credit Top-Up allows you to stay connected without the need to manually recharge every time you're low on credit.

You can set up an auto-recharge for additional credit by logging in to Myamaysim or the amaysim app. Head to Settings, look for Auto Credit Top-up and nominate the top-up amount that you want to recharge each time your balance gets low.