Plan inclusions

Renews every 365 days

Automatically renews for $120 every 365/days - how this works

60GB data

Optus 4G Network

Additional data (if you run out) is $10/1GB.

4G download speeds capped at 100Mbps.

Learn more about speeds.

Unlimited international

Stay in touch with family and friends around the world in 28 countries.


Unlimited national talk & text

Standard national talk, SMS and MMS to mobiles & landlines

Calls to 13 & 18 numbers, and voicemail

Unlimited data banking

Each time you renew your plan, any unused data will be added to your bank.

There's no limit on how much data can be stored in your data bank and no expiry period, as long as you stay on your plan.

Exclusions - Premium services, additional international, and third party content - read more

All for use in Australia.. Personal use only. 

Terms & Fair Go policy apply, refer to our Critical Information Summaries.

Bought a SIM?

It's simple to choose and activate your plan.

We're here to help

  • You can pick up a starter pack at any of our following major retailers: Coles, Woolworths, 7-Eleven, Big W, Target and Officeworks
  • Go online to choose and activate your plan
  • Keep your number or pick a new one

Transferring your mobile number is quick, easy and all online. All you need are your account details with your current Aussie telco - you don't have to cancel your plan with them, all you have to do is kick off the transfer with us. And there's absolutely no paperwork and no downtime.

How to BYO number

If you run out of data you can renew your plan early or add more data at $10/1GB

You sure can. amaysim customers stay because they want to, not because they have to.

If you're transferring your amaysim number to a different Aussie telco, simply contact them to arrange the transfer. Your new provider will then touch base with us to organise the transfer and cancellation of your amaysim service.

If you're not transferring your amaysim number, just contact us on Live Chat (or via email if out of hours). Just a heads up that you would lose your amaysim mobile number, along with any unused amaysim credit and/or data and any saved voicemails. If you want to use amaysim again in the future, you'd simply need to buy a new SIM.