The Ultimate Guide to Wi-Fi Calling: Everything You Need to Know

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the world of Wi-Fi calling and provide you with all the information you need to understand its benefits, drawbacks, and how to use it on various devices. Wi-Fi calling has become increasingly popular as a backup solution for spotty cellular coverage and a reliable way to make calls from areas with weak carrier signals. Whether you're an iPhone user, a Samsung enthusiast, or an Android aficionado, we've got you covered. So let's dive in and discover the wonders of Wi-Fi calling!

Wi-Fi calling is a feature that allows you to make voice calls over a Wi-Fi network instead of relying solely on your cellular network. It is essentially a backup solution for areas with weak carrier coverage, such as remote locations or buildings with poor reception. With Wi-Fi calling, you can use your regular phone number and enjoy all the features of a traditional phone call, including three-way calling and speakerphone.

When Wi-Fi calling is enabled on your device, it automatically routes your calls through a Wi-Fi network if it is stronger than your cellular network at the time of the call. This seamless transition ensures that you experience clear and uninterrupted calls, even in areas with limited cellular coverage. Enabling Wi-Fi calling does not commit you to using Wi-Fi for all your calls; it simply provides a reliable alternative when needed.

To enable Wi-Fi calling on your device, follow these steps:

For iPhone: Go to Settings > Phone > Wi-Fi Calling and toggle the switch to enable it.

For Android: The exact steps may vary depending on your device, but generally, you can find the Wi-Fi calling option in Settings > Connections > Wi-Fi Calling.

The steps to enable Wi-Fi calling on Android devices may vary depending on the manufacturer and specific model. However, you can generally find the Wi-Fi calling option in the Settings app, under the Connections or Network & Internet section. Look for the Wi-Fi Calling option and toggle it on to enable this feature.


A key benefit of Wi-Fi calling is its ability to serve as a backup solution in areas with weak cellular coverage. Whether you're in a rural area far from cell towers or inside a building with poor reception, Wi-Fi calling ensures that you can still make and receive calls without relying solely on your cellular network.

Unlike some VoIP services like Skype or WhatsApp, Wi-Fi calling does not require you to install any additional apps or software. It is seamlessly integrated into your device's native calling feature, making it convenient and accessible without taking up valuable storage space.

When making calls from home, Wi-Fi calling can provide a more reliable connection compared to cellular networks. Since you are likely within proximity to your Wi-Fi router, the signal strength is generally stronger and more stable. This makes Wi-Fi calling an ideal choice for crystal-clear conversations from the comfort of your own home.

In public settings such as cafes or hotels, Wi-Fi calling may not be as reliable due to shared bandwidth. When multiple users are actively using the same network, your call quality may suffer as your device competes for bandwidth. In such scenarios, it is advisable to rely on cellular networks for better call stability.

Although the number of publicly available Wi-Fi hotspots has increased significantly in recent years, they are still not available everywhere. Depending on your location, you may not always find a Wi-Fi hotspot within close range, making Wi-Fi calling impractical in certain situations.

Once you have enabled Wi-Fi calling on your device, using it is simple. Just follow these steps:

·       Ensure that you are connected to a Wi-Fi network.

·       Open the phone dialer app.

·       Dial the desired phone number as you would for a regular call.

Your device will automatically route the call through the Wi-Fi network if it is stronger than your cellular network.

For users in Australia, amaysim offers a cost-effective solution for Wi-Fi calling. amaysim provides a wide range of flexible mobile plans that include Wi-Fi calling as a standard feature. By leveraging Wi-Fi networks, amaysim users can make calls without consuming their cellular data or incurring additional costs. With amaysim, you can enjoy crystal-clear calls and stay connected wherever there is a Wi-Fi network available.

amaysim provides both Wi-Fi calling and VoLTE (Voice over LTE) as two distinct communication options. Wi-Fi calling lets you make voice calls over available Wi-Fi networks, ideal for areas with weak cellular coverage. VoLTE, on the other hand, operates over the robust 4G LTE network, offering high-definition voice quality and quicker call setup in strong 4G LTE areas. These options ensure Australians have flexible and reliable ways to stay connected, tailored to their specific location and communication needs.

Wi-Fi calling is a versatile and convenient feature that allows users to make and receive calls over Wi-Fi networks. Whether you're in an area with weak cellular coverage or simply prefer the reliability of Wi-Fi calling, this feature offers numerous benefits.

So go ahead, enable Wi-Fi calling on your device, and enjoy seamless connectivity and crystal-clear calls whenever you are in range.