Apps to reduce your carbon footprint
24 Jan 2018
If you’re trying to give the planet a helping hand by reducing your carbon footprint, we can tell you which apps are worth downloading.
Mobile technology may wreak havoc on the earth’s ecosystems, but it can also help undo some of the damage.
From cutting down on waste to finding locally sourced food, there’s an app for every sustainable practice these days. If you’re trying to channel your inner Captain Planet, we can tell you which apps are worth downloading.
Sourcing locally grown food is one of the easiest ways to minimise your carbon footprint. We’re not saying you have to become one of those over-the-top wellness bloggers who grows their own quinoa, but there’s something to be said for finding locally grown food.
Together with generating less pollution, food sourced from a farm down the road is going to be a lot fresher than something that’s been shipped from the other side of the earth.
Farmstand takes the hassle out of buying local by finding farmers’ markets in your area. It includes market open times and directions on how to get there, so you always have fresh food at your fingertips.
Getting stuck in traffic during your daily commute isn’t just a productivity killer – while you’re busy getting road rage, the earth’s atmosphere is gradually filling with greenhouse gases. You could always catch the bus in an effort to reduce vehicle emissions, but getting squashed up against smelly strangers is no way to start the day.
Hitch-A-Ride offers the perfect compromise. This carpooling app connects commuters going in the same direction via a social platform. Riders and drivers can negotiate a payment or simply agree to split the parking fee. Or maybe your passenger just provides the coffee!
In addition to reducing vehicle emissions, Hitch-A-Ride can also help you save on petrol costs. And you might even make some new friends along the way (though you can also choose to only travel with colleagues and other people you already know).
If you’re the kind of person who loves turning everything into a competition, JouleBug is the app for you. It makes a game out of sustainable living by collecting points based on how many environmentally friendly tasks you’ve completed. Perfect for housemates and groups of likeminded greenies, JouleBug can be a great source of motivation when it comes to reducing your carbon footprint.
From using your own mug when getting takeaway coffee to recycling rubbish, anything that benefits the environment can help you earn points. You can even enter national competitions and battle it out with people all over the country.
Sustain Me
Recycling isn’t always as simple as chucking things into the right bin and hoping for the best. Modern households are filled with reusable materials, but knowing where to dispose of different items can make a huge difference to your recycling efficiency.
Sustain Me can help you find recycling solutions based on your geographical location. All you need to do is put in your address and it’ll tell you where to find the best recycling venues in your neighbourhood.
It can also keep track of your recycling history and send you a reminder before bin day (so you don’t have to chase the garbage truck down the street in your pyjamas like some kind of deranged hippie).
You can download Sustain Me from Google Play or on the App Store
Ready to start shrinking your carbon footprint one app at a time? It might not feel like you’re making a huge difference, but every little bit helps.
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