Have you heard about One Big Switch?

11 Aug 2011

One Big Switch is pretty cool movement that also sums up what we’re all about here at amaysim– having a real go at giving people a better deal that doesn’t leave their wallets as light as a feather.

While we’re focused on giving Aussies a fair go with mobile services by charging less and not forcing handcuffs on people in the form of contracts, One Big Switch has its sights firmly set on some of the other big boys… like the banks. In their own words, “One Big Switch has a very simple mission: to help consumers get heard more, and charged less.”

Basically, what One Big Switch is doing to start with is getting a whole bunch of people interested in a better deal for their mortgage to sign up and offer to switch providers together. The thinking is that if a lot of people switch to another provider at the same time, they’ll all get a decent discount and more favourable terms and conditions. It’s a solid theory, kinda like the age-old adage of strength in numbers.

If One Big Switch gets enough people interested in switching providers, they’ll then go to the providers and start negotiating a bulk deal – they call it Group Switching.

This makes sense to me and isn’t that different to getting a cheaper price on any other product that you buy in bulk. The provider makes more money in one go, so you as the consumer save. It’s a win-win. Just look at businesses like Costco and Dan Murphy’s, I know I’ve stocked up on the basic necessities and little indulgences when I spot a good special.

If you’re interested in finding out more, check it out on the One Big Switch website or search “One Big Switch” on Facebook to tell them which other industries you’d like to get a better deal from. We know, judging by the switching to amaysim that’s going on, that a better deal from telcos is on the cards!

Are you also ready for a better deal from your bank, electricity provider or other essential service?

Hayden – amaysim's customer guy.

P.S. If you’ve got a lazy five minutes to spare, grab a coffee and check out this speech of Obama’s. Politics aside, I think he’s a great storyteller and really sums up how one person can make a difference.
